Countries located in very cold temperate climates are shown to have the highest amount of antidepressant consumption in the world. I realize that those countries do not contain much presence of negative ions in comparison to countries located in the tropics such as Singapore and Thailand(both with very high presence of negative ions) that interestingly do not have high antidepressant consumption. I therefore saw the clear link between the deficiency of negative ions in cold gloomy countries and their high amount of antidepressant consumption.
The sight of gloomy cold weather seems to hide the main cause of depression that could come from the lack of negative ions.
Treatment of seasonal affective disorder with a high-output negative ionizer.
"Treatment with a high-density negative ionizer appears to act as a specific antidepressant for patients with seasonal affective disorder. The method may be useful as an alternative or supplement to light therapy and medications."
A controlled trial of timed bright light and negative air ionization for treatment of winter depression.
"Bright light and high-density negative air ionization both appear to act as specific antidepressants in patients with seasonal affective disorder."
Controlled trial of naturalistic dawn simulation and negative air ionization for seasonal affective disorder.
"Naturalistic dawn simulation and high-density ionization are active antidepressants that do not require the effort of postawakening bright light therapy. They can be considered candidate alternatives to bright light or medication."
There’s Something in the Air: Empirical Evidence for the Effects of Negative Air Ions (NAI) on Psychophysiological State and Performance
"The analysis, particularly with randomized, controlled trials suggests that NAI treatment for mood disorders is in general effective with effects almost equivalent to those in other antidepressant non pharmacotherapy trials. Despite the growth in clinical research, there remained a substantial gap in mental health services to translate state-of-the-art treatments and incorporate them into mainstream practice."
Negative Ions Create Positive Vibes
"Columbia University studies of people with winter and chronic depression show that negative ion generators relieve depression as much as antidepressants."
"The action of the pounding surf creates negative air ions and we also see it immediately after spring thunderstorms when people report lightened moods," says ion researcher Michael Terman, PhD, of Columbia University in New York."
"Negative ions are odorless, tasteless, and invisible molecules that we inhale in abundance in certain environments. Think mountains, waterfalls, and beaches. Once they reach our bloodstream, negative ions are believed to produce biochemical reactions that increase levels of the mood chemical serotonin, helping to alleviate depression, relieve stress, and boost our daytime energy."
"Generally speaking, negative ions increase the flow of oxygen to the brain; resulting in higher alertness, decreased drowsiness, and more mental energy," says Pierce J. Howard, PhD, author of The Owners Manual for the Brain: Everyday Applications from Mind Brain Research and director of research at the Center for Applied Cognitive Sciences in Charlotte, N.C."
"Ions are molecules that have gained or lost an electrical charge. They are created in nature as air molecules break apart due to sunlight, radiation, and moving air and water. You may have experienced the power of negative ions when you last set foot on the beach or walked beneath a waterfall. While part of the euphoria is simply being around these wondrous settings and away from the normal pressures of home and work, the air circulating in the mountains and the beach is said to contain tens of thousands of negative ions -- Much more than the average home or office building, which contain dozens or hundreds, and many register a flat zero."
"They also may protect against germs in the air, resulting in decreased irritation due to inhaling various particles that make you sneeze, cough, or have a throat irritation."
The Power of Negative Ions- The Ocean and Bodies of Water
"You might have noticed that you feel more refreshed near the ocean, a waterfall or even taking a shower. This is because all of these areas have a higher concentration of negative ions to positive ones. The ocean typically has 2000 negative ions and 1000 positive. The force or energy of the falling or splashing water causes splitting of neutral particles of air, freeing electrons which attach to other air molecules causing a negative charge."
Effects of negative ions on cognitive performance.
"Together, the findings of these studies suggest that negative air ions can indeed exert appreciable effects on cognitive performance."
The Health Benefits of Negative Ions
"Cations are produced by machines and technology: Computers,televisions, airplanes, refrigerators, heating units and air-conditioners saturate homes, offices, and other indoor environments with cations.
They are also called free radicals.
Free radicals (cations), are active forms of oxygen and can be produced by: Electrical Discharge from high-voltage network, heating and cooling systems; TVs, radio transmitters, radar systems, computers, exhaust and cigarette fumes, smog, radiation along with harmful chemicals and toxins.
Cations can damage cells and are believed to be one reason for deteriorating our physical and emotional well being and have a role in the aging process and instigating cancer."
Negative ions have been found in a Japanese lab study to prevent cancer, slow down aging and extend lifespan.
Cold Countries Hold the Highest Cancer Rates in the World
Since negative ions have been proven to prevent cancer, and cold countries have less presence of negative ions compared to tropical countries, people living in such cold countries would have less protection against cancer compared to people living in the tropics. Cold countries currently hold the highest cancer rates in the world compared to tropical countries.
Cold Countries Hold the Highest Suicide Rates in the World
Cold countries that lack high presence of negative ions currently hold the highest suicide rates in the world far surpassing any country located in the tropics by a very long shot.
Comparing the Warm Tropics to Cold Countries
I made a list of places and opportunities in tropical Singapore where negative ions can be found(from nature and water splashes) and it amounted to a very long list. I think the sunny tropical climate really does have strong underlying factors for creating a happier mood after all. And gloomy weather really does have strong underlying factors for depression.
List of places in Singapore where negative ions can be found or generated:
1) trees, lush nature reserves and forests all year round
2) frequent rain and thunder all year round
3) small water drains and large canals
4) the beach(sun tanning, water sports)
5) water reservoirs and lakes(strolling and jogging)
6) condominium swimming pools(swimming and suntanning)
7) condominium fountains
8) large fountains at shopping centers and business buildings
9) children playgrounds with water features
10) showering after swimming
11) frequent showering due to hot weather
12) frequent face washing
13) frequent feet washing
14) frequent washing of clothes
15) scheduled floor washings of public housing corridors
17) ferry and cruise rides to neighbouring islands
18) negative ions from tropical fruits and vegetables
In comparison to cold countries such as Iceland, Sweden, Denmark and Norway, the opportunities to generate negative ions in those environments are very few. In addition, people living in cold climates are less inclined to leave their homes in cold weather to get exposed to any negative ions found in nature. The deficiency of negative ions in such Scandinavian countries as well as people's lack of exposure to it could very well be the main factors for the high levels of depression, antidepressant consumption and cancer rates found in those countries.
Besides nature's ways of producing negative ions, the artificial way to generate negative ions can be done with negative ion generators. Such generators are now very affordable for a small sized unit that can be plugged into the wall socket. Smaller generators can be plugged directly into a computer's USB socket. There are also generators made for cars.
Small generators(<1 watt to 2 watts) can generate 1,000,000 to 6,000,000 anions per cubic centimeter, and can cover only up to 3 square metres. Large generators(6 watts) that come with air purification costing a few hundred dollars can produce about 25,000,000 anions per cubic centimeter, and can cover a much larger room area.
The one I am going to get from my own country for my computer usage is this:
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