Tuesday, August 12, 2014

4 Popular Healthy Foods That are Really Not Healthy

Olive Oil

Olive oil can constrict the blood vessels that can contribute to heart disease.

Best Heart Benefits From Canola and Fish Oils -- Not Olive Oil

"The olive oil meal caused vessels to constrict by 34%, whereas the canola oil and salmon meals caused insignificant changes in blood vessels, Vogel reports. Because such constrictions injure the blood vessels' endothelium, they contribute to heart disease."


Correlation Analysis of Cocoa Consumption Data with Worldwide Incidence Rates of Testicular Cancer and Hypospadias

"This correlation analysis suggests that cocoa consumption during early life might be correlated to both TC incidence among young men aged 20–34 years and hypospadias, a reproductive congenital defects supposed to underline the same pathogenetic mechanism of TC.

In particular, the increasing incidence of TC over time in developed countries is consistent with increases in the consumption of cocoa. The intake of some of the main sweet ingredients, in fact, such as cocoa and sweeteners increased significantly during the last 45 years in developed countries [8,9]. Over the years 1961–2004 cocoa consumption overall in developed countries grew at an average rate of 1 % per year [9]. For example, in Denmark cocoa consumption more than doubled in the period 1961–2004. Similar trends have been observed in other European countries [8,9]. The magnitude of these increases is similar to those noted for incidence rates of testicular cancer and other MRD. The reduced risk for testicular cancer for the cohorts of Danish, Norwegian, Swedish and Japanese men born during World War II is also consistent with a greatly reduced supply of sweet foods and cocoa during the war.

Data from food balance sheets (FAOSTAT) indicate that the consumption of cocoa in Denmark, where TC and hypospadias rates are elevated, is among the highest in the world and is more than three times that in Finland, where MRD rates are rather low [9].

Is there any evidence that this association may be causal?

Cocoa powder is a complex substance containing several biologically active compounds, including theobromine, caffeine, serotonin, phenylethylamine and cannabinoid-like fatty acids [11].

Various studies reported that theobromine, the main stimulant of cocoa, exerts toxic effects on the testis, inducing testicular atrophy accompanied by aspermatogenesis or oligospermatogenesis and that even low doses of cocoa impair sperm quality [10–14]."

oil-free salad dressings

Carotenoid bioavailability is higher from salads ingested with full-fat than with fat-reduced salad dressings as measured with electrochemical detection

The study found that salads eaten with 28grams of fat allowed for greater absorption of cartenoids such as vitamin A. 28 grams of fat is equivalent to 2 tablespoons of fat/oil.

fruit juices

Study: High Fructose Intake Linked to Slightly Higher Risk of Death

"those who consumed lots of liquid sugar—from sodas, sports drinks, juices, etc.—had higher odds of dying of any cause (from cardiovascular disease, in particular). Why? It could be because sugars from beverages are rapidly absorbed, resulting in significant blood-sugar spikes, the scientists say."

"While this study just proved association, not causation, scientists do have a theory: Fructose produces "advanced glycation end-products," or AGEs, which may damage the walls of your arteries, encourage bad cholesterol to hang around"

"You don't, of course, have to give up fruit, which is a staple of any well-balanced diet. But you may want to cut back on your intake of other sources of fructose: fruit juices, soft drinks, preserves, applesauce, dried fruit, and candies."

5 Smart Steps to Cut Down On Sugar

The False Notion of Every Food within Mediterranean Diet Being Healthy

There are many people who think that everything that is eaten in the traditional Mediterranean diet is healthy. However, olive oil that is commonly consumed in such a diet has been found to dilate and damage the endothelium(one-cell lining of blood vessels), which allows plaque to build up and constrict the blood vessels that can lead to heart disease and heart attacks.

Best Heart Benefits From Canola and Fish Oils -- Not Olive Oil

"The olive oil meal caused vessels to constrict by 34%, whereas the canola oil and salmon meals caused insignificant changes in blood vessels, Vogel reports. Because such constrictions injure the blood vessels' endothelium, they contribute to heart disease."

What Is Atherosclerosis?

"Atherosclerosis (ath-er-o-skler-O-sis) is a disease in which plaque (plak) builds up inside your arteries. Arteries are blood vessels that carry oxygen-rich blood to your heart and other parts of your body.

Plaque is made up of fat, cholesterol, calcium, and other substances found in the blood. Over time, plaque hardens and narrows your arteries. This limits the flow of oxygen-rich blood to your organs and other parts of your body.

Atherosclerosis can lead to serious problems, including heart attack, stroke, or even death."

The omega 3 fatty acids from foods such as fish in the diet can improve the endothelial function, and therefore prevent the olive oil from constricting and damaging the endothelium.

Effect of omega-3 fatty acids supplementation on endothelial function: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.

"Supplementation of omega-3 fatty acids significantly improves the endothelial function without affecting endothelium-independent dilation."

Olive oil taken without omega 3 fatty acids would be detrimental. People who assume that every food found within the traditional Mediterranean diet are mistaken.

The postprandial effect of components of the Mediterranean diet on endothelial function.

"CONCLUSIONS: In terms of their postprandial effect on endothelial function, the beneficial components of the Mediterranean and Lyon Diet Heart Study diets appear to be antioxidant-rich foods, including vegetables, fruits, and their derivatives such as vinegar, and omega-3-rich fish and canola oils."

Beneficial fats that contain high amounts of omega 3 can be found in foods like tofu, soya beans, soybean oil, soymilk, flaxseeds, walnuts etc. A good balance of omega 3 and 6 is already found in soybeans but if one can choose to consume flaxseeds to gain more omega 3 fats. 

Friday, August 8, 2014

US Research Implies Abstinence-Only Message of Section 377A Does Not Lead to Abstinence Behaviour, This Implies Section 377A Would Have No Deterrence Effect in Keeping in Check Homosexual-Related STDs and Hypothetical Sexual-Related 'Social Immorality'

(This is a copy of an email that I sent to the Prime Minister and the Members of Parliament about my request to amend Section 377A of the Penal Code.) 

Research reports from the United States have found that abstinence-only sex education does not lead to abstinence in sexual behaviour.

This implies that keeping Section 377A would not have an effect in keeping in check the rate of sexually transmitted diseases among homosexuals. This also implies that Section 377A would not have an effect in keeping in check any hypothetical sexual-related 'social immorality'.

People who assumed that Section 377A can keep in check any hypothetical 'social morality' would therefore be proven wrong.

Section 377A was recently mentioned in Court to have been enacted during colonial times to curb male prostitution long ago. This new research report would prove that even such a possible deterrence to curb male prostitution with abstinence would not have any resultant effect in the past. Male prostitution during that time could have dwindled due to other factors.

If people need to or are desperate to have sex for any reason, they will continue to do it out of need or desperation.

The better way to prevent any sexual-related diseases is through public education such as sex education and behaviour-related campaigns, and not through abstinence as seen in the keeping of Section 377A.

Abstinence-only education does not lead to abstinent behavior, UGA researchers find

"States that prescribe abstinence-only sex education programs in public schools have significantly higher teenage pregnancy and birth rates than states with more comprehensive sex education programs, researchers from the University of Georgia have determined.

The researchers looked at teen pregnancy and birth data from 48 U.S. states to evaluate the effectiveness of those states' approaches to sex education, as prescribed by local laws and policies.

"Our analysis adds to the overwhelming evidence indicating that abstinence-only education does not reduce teen pregnancy rates," said Kathrin Stanger-Hall, assistant professor of plant biology and biological sciences in the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences."

My Concluding Thoughts:

Keeping Section 377A has no proven benefits but has been suggested to have more harm than good as in the case of higher increased rates of unprotected sex and STDs mentioned in the research reports.

I therefore propose the government to amend Section 377A so that it can start to impose safe-sex education for homosexuals as well as counselling. I propose the government to not grant any future requests for same-sex marriages and adoptions.

If the government really wants to do something about social health for homosexuals, it should consider removing the abstinence-related law of 377A and start to implement safe-sex education and counselling for homosexuals right away.

Homosexuals are also citizens of Singapore(even though they are in the minority), the government should do its best to ensure their well-being.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

I See Lots of Logically Fallacious False Dilemmas and Slippery Slope Arguments(unproven hypothetical scenarios) Used By Parliament MPs in 2007 in Not Supporting Repeal of Section 377A, Also the Intention to Restrict Freedom of Speech and Unfair Censorship

(This is a copy of a thread topic that I made at the government-operated REACH forum)

I See Lots of Logically Fallacious False Dilemmas and Slippery Slope Arguments(unproven hypothetical scenarios) Used By Parliament MPs in 2007 in Not Supporting Repeal of Section 377A, Also the Intention to Restrict Freedom of Speech and Unfair Censorship

I took a look into the arguments used by parliament MPs in 2007 in their non-support of repealing Section 377A of the Penal Code, and found lots of misconstructed and logically fallacious slippery slope arguments.

I am extremely well-trained in formal debate and I find these false dilemmas and slippery slope arguments very faulty and disturbing.

[The Logically Misconstructed Arguments]

Some MPs have assumed that repealing Section 377A is equated to people accepting homosexual lifestyles. But I cannot see the logic in this line of thought.

Here are the lists of Parliment videos on the matter:

Saying that just because people don't accept something then the only option should be criminalisation? This is not logical.

In formal debate, this line of faulty reasoning is known as False Dilemma


"Description: When only two choices are presented yet more exist, or a spectrum of possible choices exists between two extremes. False dilemmas are usually characterized by “either this or that” language, but can also be characterized by omissions of choices."

Many people do not accept prostitution, yet it is not criminalised. Many people do not accept smoking, yet it is not criminalised. Many people do not accept gambling, yet it is not criminalised.

There are lots of logically misconstructed arguments that put one's non-acceptance of something into the same category as criminalisation.

If people don't accept certain behaviours, they can simply don't practice it themselves, it doesn't necessarily mean that they should criminalise it. Going by this logic, if people find certain religion unacceptable, they should make a law to criminalise the followers of such religion? I see no logic in this line of thought.

[The Slippery Slope Arguments]

Many MPs who opposed the repeal of Section 377A say that if it is repealed, then gay-rights activists would definitely push for same-sex marriages and adoptions. However, there is no evidence that this will happen.

In formal debate, this line of argument is known as Slippery Slope.


"Definition: When a relatively insignificant first event is suggested to lead to a more significant event, which in turn leads to a more significant event, and so on, until some ultimate, significant event is reached, where the connection of each event is not only unwarranted, but with each step it becomes more and more improbable. Many events are usually present in this fallacy, but only two are actually required -- usually connected by “the next thing you know...”

Even if Section 377A is repealed, it doesn't necessarily mean that gay marriages and adoptions will be allowed by law. The gay rights activists can request all they want for such things but Parliament and the people do not necessarily have to give in to their requests.

Why should Parliament and the people be afraid of such requests when they have the power and support not to grant such requests? This is not logical.

[What do I think is the agendas of the LGBTs in Singapore?]

Homosexuals can already get married overseas, they don't need to request to enact laws and wait forever for them to get married in Singapore. If they want to adopt children and can afford it, it would be much easier and affordable for them if they migrate overseas and do it there.

I feel that the request of gay-rights activists to ammend Section 377A is simply to lessen the bullying and hatred they receive so that they can have a neutral common space to live their lives in peace and harmony.

[Restriction on Freedom of Speech and Unfair Censorship]

If the argument of not repealing Section 377A is simply to prevent gay-rights activists from not hypothetically requesting such gay marriages and adoptions in future, is this not an intention to restrict on their freedom of speech to talk to parliament and the government? Is this not unfair censorship?