Hair and skin are made up of protein, and one needs to consume good amount of protein to maintain hair and skin structure. It is already known that good skin needs vitamin E and vitamin C to stay healthy. However, what many people don't realize is that hair and skin need to be constantly moisturised with vegetable fats in order to stay moist and healthy. Skin that is protected by oils are much less prone to irritation and bacterial infection.
When buying shampoo and shower lotion, buy those that contain avocado, argan oil, grape seed oil, shea butter, oatmilk, carnelian rose oil etc Such oils can be used to moisturise both hair and body to prevent dry, itchy and brittle conditions, and ensure shiny and smooth hair and skin.
Coconut oil is not just suitable for consumption, it can also be used to be applied on hair and skin. It is anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal.
Home-made sugar scrub can be made with fine sugar and coconut oil, and can be used to exfoliate dead skin cells and recondition skin, to create a super smooth and soft result.
Use facial mud wash and mud masks to unblock pores and exfoliate skin.
Cucumber extract and watermelon skin extract can be used to nourish skin, as well as to moisturise and alkalise.
The most important of all, one should avoid consuming meat and dairy as they can cause skin irritation and acne. One should drink plenty of distilled water to ensure hair and skin are well hydrated at all times.
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